Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Age of Television

The 21st century has officially become The Age of Television. At this day and age, rarely will you find a household without at least one in it. Every age group had increased their viewing from 3.3 hours a day in 2004 to 3.5 hours a day in 2011. The average American child today watches 5 hours of television per day. Television and the media have affected our generation immensely.
Personally, I watch television now more so than I did as a child. Whether it be on my computer or cell phone, there are various outlets. Everything that we see plays a role in molding us into who we are. It is easy to say, that television is dumbing us down.It is also exposing our youth to violence, profanity, sex, drugs, and idealness on an everyday basis.
Technology has taken control of our world. We live in a society where we can wake up and be delivered with information from the media. We watch television to help us relax and whined down from a strenuous day. Due to this observation, the influence of television on our culture becomes even more blatant. So, are we willingly going to expose our youth to habits that we don't want them to pick up?


  1. I feel that the key to combating these bad habits is moderation. Yes, the amount of television being consumed by our and the next generation is concerning and poses many new issues, but this is something we will all have to work to get through. We cannot go back and time to prevent the invention of the TV therefore we can only look forward to find a way of solving the problem. Just because a television is owned, does not mean that it needs to be on all the time. Kids can easily be encouraged to spend time outside playing with friends or on a sports team and the amount of screen time limited by their parents. Watching television is not the issue, but an excessive amount of television is.

  2. Very smart, very well spoken blog post. Television is something that is really beginning to control our lives. The most ironic thing about it is that we all know it is and we all say it is yet we continue to let it, especially when it comes to our children. We acknowledge how bad it is for the developing minds of our youth and despite its harmful effects, we let them watch it for hours, nearly everyday. I think we have become accustomed to it. We know it is bad, but we do not really know how else to spend our downtime anymore. we are not very interactive with our families anymore. We do not take day trips to places, or go on walks together, or hikes. We need to find healthy alternatives. I really love the question you posed at the end of this post as well. Unfortunately, I think the answer is yes. As of right now, we are willingly letting our children soak up this nonsense.

  3. Hi Jessica, nice post.
    It's crazy how the kids growing up in this generation are so involved with electronics. If the average kid spends five hours watching television, I would bet that he or she also spends a good amount of time on his or her cell phone, laptop, etc. I agree with you when you said that TV is dumbing us down. In general, the most popular shows like Jersey Shore and Duck Dynasty have zero complexities and don't help the human mind at all. TV, as well as other media sources tend to hinge on to a topic just because it will get the attention of the viewer, even if the topic has no depth or value. A common example of this is all of the excessive drama we see so often on reality TV.
