Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Age of Television

The 21st century has officially become The Age of Television. At this day and age, rarely will you find a household without at least one in it. Every age group had increased their viewing from 3.3 hours a day in 2004 to 3.5 hours a day in 2011. The average American child today watches 5 hours of television per day. Television and the media have affected our generation immensely.
Personally, I watch television now more so than I did as a child. Whether it be on my computer or cell phone, there are various outlets. Everything that we see plays a role in molding us into who we are. It is easy to say, that television is dumbing us down.It is also exposing our youth to violence, profanity, sex, drugs, and idealness on an everyday basis.
Technology has taken control of our world. We live in a society where we can wake up and be delivered with information from the media. We watch television to help us relax and whined down from a strenuous day. Due to this observation, the influence of television on our culture becomes even more blatant. So, are we willingly going to expose our youth to habits that we don't want them to pick up?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

You Only Live Once

Consumption is an old term for wasting away in the body. It is common knowledge that Americans use far more resources than people from other countries. Americans eat tons of food. From ice cream, hot dogs, pizza, and chocolate cake. It is clear that we LOVE it.
Take myself for example, I eat out almost everyday. My mornings consist of going out and purchasing an iced coffee, with caramel drizzle. I also order two slices of french toast with a lot of syrup. I am what you would consider a food junkie. My sister on the other hand, its stingy. She's what you would call a health freak. For breakfast, she drinks a protein shake and eats unseasoned eggs; a gluten free diet. She's frugal, I'm not. Weekly, I probably spend around $15.00 on coffee ALONE. There's no shame in my game.
When it comes to food money is no object. Every other day it seems like we are being told to reduce our consumption. The operative question is, why? If it looks good then eat it! After all, you only live once.